
What is Going on Today

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.45.--**Morning prayers by Rev. Herbert Hensley Henson, Canon of Westminster Abbey.

2.00-5.00. -- *Candidates for Dramatic Club Play register at Hollowly 18.

3.30.--**Finals of Dormitory crew races in Basin.

4.00.--**Cross-country trials for University and Freshman teams against Yale, and last consolation run at Chestnut Hill.

4.30.--** Southwork Lectures in Andover Theological Seminary. "Current Problems of Organized Religion, II. The Problem of Belief" by Cannon Henson in Andover Chapel.


7.00.--*St. Paul's Society. "The Practical Use of the Bible" by the Rev. Alexander Mann. D. D., in Phillips Brooks House. 8.00.--* Meeting of candidates for Gymnastic team in Holyoke 43.
