

Dr. Arthur Tracy Cabot '72.

Dr. Arthur Tracy Cabot '72, Fellow of the University, died at his home in Boston late Monday evening, his death coming as the result of a severe and protracted illness from cancer.

Dr. Cabot was born in Boston in 1852. He gradated from the College in 1872, and from the Medical School in 1876. Then he spent fourteen months abroad in post-graduate studies at Vienna and Berlin. About a year after his return, he received the degree of A.M., and from 1873 to 1880 was an instructor in the University. In 1890 he was elected a Fellow.

He was a recognized authority in medicine, especially in those branches which concern intestinal troubles and tuberculosis, and was widely known in professional circles. Most of his time and energy were devoted to the work entailed as consulting surgeon for three hospitals in Boston and chairman of the Massachusetts Commission on Hospitals for Consumptives. He was the author of a number of scientific publications in various books and journals, a trustee of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, a Fellow of the American Surgery Association, and a member of several national and local medical societies.
