The official bulletins announcing the returns by states and cities of the Presidential elections today will be received this evening in the Union as soon as they have been reported to the press. This will be made possible by means of direct telegraphic communication between the secretary's office in the Union and the Associated Press, with which a special arrangement has been made.
As soon as the returns are obtained they will be posted on a large blackboard which will be placed at the west end of the Living Room of the Union for that purpose. The progress of the counts of the ballots cast throughout the country will thus be followed as closely as possible, until the final results have come in and have been posted. It is expected that the outcome will be known by 2 o'clock in the morning but possibly not until later.
Music will be furnished throughout the evening by Kanrich's orchestra.
Only Members Admitted.
Only Union members will be admitted, and they will be required to present their membership cards on entrance.
Returns By Wireless in Grays 13.
The Wireless Club will hold a meeting for members and their friends in Grays 13 this evening at 7.30 o'clock. The returns of the Presidential election will be received at the room by the club's wireless apparatus from the wireless station at the Navy Yard, which will send out the reports for ships at sea.
During the evening two papers on sending and receiving circuits will be read, one by W. H. Capen 1G.S., and the other by E. W. Chapin '13.
Election Returns in Boston.
Election returns will be displayed in Boston this evening at the following places: Hotel Thorndike, Old South Tower, Tremont Temple, and the Boston, Park, Hollis, Shubert, and Colonial theatres. At the Castle Square theatre returns will be read before the play begins, between the acts, and for half an hour after the last curtain. At the Majestic, and at Keith's, where there will be two shows, one at 7 and the other at 10 o'clock, the returns will be thrown on a screen between the acts and after the play. The American, Journal, Post, and Globe will display bulletins at their offices.
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