

Harvard Gives Fewest With Total of 117; Columbia Most With Total of 128.--Their Distribution.

The following statistics have been compiled showing that of the seven leading eastern colleges Harvard gives the fewest number of holidays. These holidays include the summer vacation of 1912 and the holidays during the academic year of 1912-13. Harvard is the only college to observe Columbus Day. Four colleges, Harvard, Columbia, Brown, and Pennsylvania observe Washington's Birthday as a holiday. Memorial Day is observed by Harvard, Columbia, Dartmouth, and Brown. Of all the colleges Dartmouth and Brown are the only ones granting a mid-year recess toward the end of January. For the second time in her history, Princeton declared a holiday on the day of the Yale-Princeton football game.

Of the whole year, Harvard gives 32.05 per cent. in holidays; Yale, 33.15; Princeton, 33.83; Columbia, 35.07; Dartmouth, 32.33; Brown, 33.97; and Pennsylvania, 34.52.   Summer.  Thanksgiving.  Christmas.  Easter.  Other days.  Total. Harvard,  95  1  11  7  3  117 Yale,  98  1 1/2  14  7 1/2  0  121 Princeton,  98  4 1/2  14 1/2  5 1/2  1  123 1/2 Columbia,  104  3  13  5  3  128 Dartmouth,  84  1  14  14  5  118 Brown,  97  1  12  7  7  124 U. of P.,  99  4  12  10  1  126
