

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

[Note: Ordinarily the CRIMSON does not print anonymous communications, but the one below is so very original in its spelling, punctuation, and grammar, that it is almost a classic, and appears worthy of publication. Moreover, it proves that there is someone besides the printer who reads our editorials].

At Last an Appreciation!

Editor of the CRIMSON:

I think you are justified in making it plain that there is somebody else in college besides Foot Ball players. The ones that deserve the most credit at college are the fellows that go there to grind their way through I cannot see what good it does any one whether at college or not whether a foot ball game is won, it does not do anyone any good. There is too much poverty in this world and too many heroes, that find, it hard to grind a existence to se so much of this foolishness of calling a foot ball kicker a hereo only because he can kick a foot ball good. It must be discouraging to many worthy students to look at papers and see nothing about a college except about a lot of overgrown boys mauling each other and called heroes I thought a hereo was one that did some thing unselfish for his fellow man. A ADMIRER OF THE GRIND
