

In Boston Public Library This Winter.--Also a Series on the Opera.

Mr. F. W. C. Bersey '99, Instructor in English at the University, is giving a series of four lectures on "Types of Modern Drama" in the Lecture Hall of the Boston Public Library this winter. The lectures are a part of the free public lectures which are given each year at the Library. A series of six lectures on "The Opera", by Mr. Olin Downes, musical critic of the Boston Post, two of which have already been given, will complete this year's series. The lectures will be practical rather than theoretical, and frequent references to current plays in Boston will add local interest.

Mr. Hersey's remaining lectures will be given as follows:

December 8, "Types of Plays"; January 19, "The Art of the Theatre"; February 23, "Contemporary Dramatists."

The lectures on "The Opera" will be as follows:

December 1, "Italy's Contribution to German Opera and the Rise of the German Romantic School"; January 12, "Richard Wagner and "Tristan and Isolde'"; February 9. "Verdi and the Latter-Day Italians"; March 16, "Present Operatic Tendencies in France and in Germany."
