

Much Smailer List of Fatalities in Football.--All High School Men.

The number of injuries which have occurred in organized football during the past season is much smaller than that for several previous years. Only three fatalities have resulted directly from injuries received in play, the victim being a high school player in each case. In both 1911 and 1910, on the other hand, fourteen deaths occurred. There have been seventeen serious injuries to college players and eleven to high school players, a total of twenty-eight, where as in 1911 sixty-seven and in 1910 forty-three fairly serious accidents took place. Comparing the figures for the two years, it can be easily seen that the new rules have resulted in a very appreciable decrease in the number of injuries of all kinds, and there is no reason to doubt but that with a fuller understanding of the actual application of these rules, especially amongst preparatory schools, a still lower number may in the future be reached.
