All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays be fore 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Monday, November 25.
10.30.--Meeting of President and Fellows of Harvard College at 50 State street.
4.30.--Seminary of Economics. "The Origin of Customs Revenues in Europe", by Professor Wiener, in Upper Dane.
5.00.--*Physical Colloquium. "Kleeman; on Molecular Energy and the Law of Molecular Attraction", by Mr. H. M. Trueblood, in Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25.
7.00.--Dr. Francis's Junior Bible class in Brooks House Office.
8.00.--Meeting of Zionist Club in Matthews 3. Mr. F. Stern on "Zionism and Religion."
9.00.--Senior interdormitory smoker. Hollis-Matthews to Thayer.
Tuesday, November 26.
4.30. -- *Geological Conference. "A Transcontinental Geographical excursion", by Professor W. M. Davis. Mineralogical Lecture Room, University Museum.
6.00.--Speakers' Club fortnightly dinner in Memorial Hall Banquet Room.
7.00.--Professor, Cole's Senior Bible class, in Brooks House Office.
7.00.--Dr. Evans's Sophomore Bible class, in Brooks House Parlor.
7.30.--Kentucky Club smoker in Drayton 7.
8.00.--Freshmen vs. Sophomores in interclass debating, in Sever 11.
8.00.--Nebraska Club smoker in Hampden 24.
8.00.--Socialist Club meeting. "Socialism and Property" by J. M. MacKaye '95.
Wednesday, November 27.
7.15.--*Open meeting of Federation of Territorial Clubs, in Assembly Room of Union.
7.30.--Meeting of Freshman debating team in Trophy Room of Union.
8.00.--*Seniors vs. Juniors in interclass debating in Sever 11.
Thursday, November 28.
A holiday in all departments of the University.
4.00.--Reception for Harvard Dames in Brooks House Parlor.
5.00-10.00.--*Brooks House Festival.
Friday, November 29.
4.00.--*University Tea in Phillips Brooks House.
4.30.--**(In German). "Leading Ideas of the Present Time. X. Individualism and Socialism", by Professor Eucken, in Emerson D.
4.45.--*Graduate Chemical Club. "Oxidizing Enzymes and their Role in Plants", by Mr. M. C. Merrill, in Boylston 9.
8.00.--Romance Seminary. Meeting in Upper Warren House.
8.30.--Musical Clubs pop-night on Living Room of the Union.
Saturday, November 30.
Last day for receiving applications for the Cheever and Rayden (medical) Scholarships.
Last day for receiving applications for the Charles Ellet Norton Fellowship in Greek Studies for 1918-14.
Last day for receiving applications for aid from the Loan Fund.
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