
Phillips Brooks House Notes

Christian Association Meeting Tomorrow.

The regular Sunday meeting of the Harvard University Christian Association will be held in Phillips Brooks House tomorrow morning at 10.15 o'clock. T. M. Gallie '15 will lead the discussion.

Professor Moore to Lecture on Saint Paul.

The Graduate Schools Society of Phillips Brooks House announces that beginning Wednesday, December 4, Professor E. C. Moore, Parkman Professor of Theology, will give a series of lectures on Saint Paul. The lectures will be given weekly for five weeks on Wednesdays, in the Parlor of Brooks House at 6.45 o'clock.

Professor Moore has lectured at Oxford and Yale, and has acted as chairman of the Board of Preachers to the University since 1905. He is the author of "The New Testament in the Christian Church" and "The History of Christian Thought since Kant." The separate subjects of the lectures will be as follows: December 4. "His Conversion and Call"; December 11, "Moral Ideas and Philosophy"; December 18, "The Doctrine of Christ"; January 8, "Faith and the Church"; January 15, "Paul and the Modern World."
