

N. Y., N. H. & H., and B. & A. Special and Regular Service Today and Tomorrow Accommodating for Game.

The following trains leave the South Station this afternoon via the New Haven road and arrive in New Haven in time for the dual concert this evening: 1.00, Knickerbocker Limited, special ticket required, arriving 4.15; 1.03, arriving 5.00; 2.40, arriving 6.41. All of the above trains stop at Back Bay four minutes after leaving the South Station.

The regular trains leaving for New Haven this evening are: 5.00, Merchants' Limited, special ticket required, arriving 8.15; 5.30, arriving 9.10; 8.00, Federal Express, arriving 11.50; 12.01, arriving 4.30 A. M.

Tomorrow morning the regular trains leave at: 6.40, arriving 11.48; 9.00, Colonial Express, arriving 12.45; 10.00, parlor cars only, special ticket required, arriving 1.15.

In addition, the following specials will be run: 8.20, parlor cars only, arriving about 12.10; 8.30, Harvard Limited, arriving 12.12. Returning via the New Haven Road tomorrow evening, the regular trains are: 4.55, arriving in Boston 8.30; 5.15, arriving 11.00; 6.40, Merchants' Limited, special ticket required, arriving 10.00; 7.20, arriving 11.00. All special trains will leave New Haven shortly after the game, allowing a reasonable time for the passengers to reach the station.

Boston and Albany Service.


Via the Boston and Albany R. R., the regular trains leaving the South Station this evening are: 4.00, arriving in New Haven 7.45; 5.52, arriving 11.45; 11.30, arriving 4.14 A. M. Tomorrow morning the only regular B. & A. train leaves the South Station at 9.15, arriving in New Haven at 1.25. One special train containing both parlor cars and coaches, will leave at 8.15, arriving at about 12, and returning soon after the game.

One regular train will leave New Haven at 5.43 tomorrow evening, arriving in Boston at 9.30.
