

The hockey season, in preparation for which practice is even now under way, will soon be at hand, and it is but reasonable to expect that the interest shown in the games this year will be as keen as ever. However, the hockey team is handicapped by the lack of a rink, which it may call its own, and so must go to Boston to play its contests in the Arena. As a result, undergraduates who wish to see the games are forced to pay a high price for seats which do not necessarily enable them to sit together, and for this reason the attendance at the games, and consequently the support given the team, is apt to suffer. The interest shown in the work of the hockey team by the men in College is of so enthusiastic an order that an attempt should be made to bring the cost of seeing the games within the range of every student, as well as to concentrate in one or two sections of the Arena the undergraduate support that is ordinarily so scattered. Nothing could bring about the desired result more quickly and more surely than a reservation of one, or even two, sections in the Arena for holders of season tickets, these to be supplied, at a reasonable price, to students of the University, or members of the Harvard Athletic Association. At the close of the 1911-12 season, the CRIMSON gave as an argument in favor of the plan that "not only would the lessened cost attract many to whom the cost may now be prohibitive, but the ease of securing tickets and the feeling that one is going to sit in a Harvard crowd would bring many to the games who now hate to bother with special tickets for each game and feel out of place when they let their enthusiasm carry them away in the midst of a nonpartisan crowd."

The location of a season ticket section, and the price of such tickets, in case they are issued, are details which can be decided by the hockey management and the owners of the Arena. The successful outcome of the proposed plan would be a source of satisfaction to the men who attend, the games regularly, and the CRIMSON feels sure that the project is one that will meet with the approval of the College.
