The University cross-country team will leave for Ithaca on the 11.15 train tonight to compete in the intercollegiate run. They will arrive in Ithaca tomorrow at 1.30 o'clock and will stop at the Alpha Delta Phi House. The race will be run Saturday morning at 10.30 o'clock over essentially the same course on which the University team defeated Cornell on November 2. The following seven men, together with managers W. Tufts, Jr., '13, and C. G. Squibb '14, Coach Shrubb, and Rubber Smith, will make the trip: F. H. Blackman '14, R. St.B. Boyd '14, B. S. Carter '15, F. W. Copeland '13, A. J. de Gozzaldi '14, H. P. Lawless '13, and H. G. MacLure.
Freshmen to Run at Andover.
The Freshmen will have lunch at the Varsity Club at 11.30 o'clock tomorrow, and will take the 12.55 train for Andover to compete in the Andover invitation meet. They will run against freshman teams from Cornell, Dartmouth, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale. Worcester Academy, Andover, and Exeter will also enter teams. The race will be at 2 o'clock over a 3 1-2 mile course.
Third Consolation Run Today.
The third and last consolation cross-country run will be held around Soldiers Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock. It is hoped that enough men will enter to have both a University and Freshman race. "H" and training-table men are ineligible.
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