The University football team was given a long scrimmage yesterday afternoon against two elevens from the second squad. Various Yale formations were tried out with the University team on the defensive. The Team A tried its own plays against another second eleven while its first opponent was placed on the defensive against Team B. No attempt was made to score a touchdown and tackling was purposely very light to guard against possible injuries.
Brickley Kicks Goals From Field.
Brickley was in good form and scored three drop-kicks from the 35-yard line for Team A. This was a very commendable feat considering the muddy condition of the field due to a frost the night before. Gardner and Bradley were on the side-lines. Trumbull was back at right guard in place of Driscoll who was sent to Team B. Bradlee took H. Hardwick's place at right halfback as the latter was given a day of rest.
Backs Leave for New Haven Tomorrow.
The first team backs, contres, and ends, about twenty men, will leave Boston for New Haven tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The rest of the linemen will follow Friday noon, going direct to New London, where both squads are to spend the nights. The first mentioned will leave Harvard square by a special car tomorrow morning at 9.15 o'clock and will have light practice at Yale Field that afternoon.
The line-up of the University team yesterday was as follows: l.e., Felton; l.t., Storer; l.g., Pennock; c., Parmenter; r.g., Trumbull; r.t., Hitchcock; r.e., O'Brien; q.b., Freedley; l.h.b., Bradlee; r.h.b., Brickley; f.b., Wendell.
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