

Price Has Been Raised Because of Enlargement Over Last Year.

The Harvard Register will be placed on sale December 10. The first edition of 2000 copies will be large enough to meet the immediate demand. The 1912-13 volume will be a larger, more complete book than that of last year. Every department of the University has been included and every need for information anticipated.

The enlargement of the book has necessarily greatly increased the cost of publication. Therefore the Register will be sold this year at 75 cents the copy. The actual cost of publication is nearly $1 a volume.

By request, a special Senior edition will be issued for members of the graduating classes of the University. Each volume will bear the impression "Senior Edition," stamped in gold in the lower right hand corner. Copies will be prepared only for those who order in advance. Orders for the "Senior Edition" should be sent as soon as possible to A. K. Reading, 44 Brattle street.
