

Progressive and Wilson Clubs Will Have Grand Parades This Evening.

Both the Harvard Progressive and Wilson Clubs will hold their big torchlight paades tonight. Each association has made elaborate preparations, each having secured three bands for its individual parade. The Wilson parade will leave Harvard square at 6.30, and will continue on to Boston Common where a letter written by Woodrow Wilson will be read through a megaphone to the assembled gathering.

Wilson paraders may obtain their marching equipment at Hollis 20 or at the Wilson Club headquarters, 1 Little's Block, for a deposit of twenty-five cents.

The Progressives' Parade.

The Progressive marchers, augmented by a delegation from Tufts College, will follow at 6.45 o'clock. Enlivened by the music of three bands, it will march to Central square, where the Cambridge Progressive Club members with their bands will join them. Thus increased numerically, the line will wend itself on to Copley square where delegations from all over the state, and representatives from neighboring colleges will be met. A huge parade will form here and will proceed on to Boston Common where a monster open-air rally will be held. Progressive candidates, C. S. Bird '77, D. Cosgrove, and others will address the throng.

Outfits, including torches, bandannas, flags, and red lights may be secured for the nominal fee of twenty-five cents at the Progressive Club's headquarters, Grays 10. The officers of the club also urge that marchers equip themselves with small-sized megaphones which can be used at the football game and at the parade following.


The following marshals for the Progressive parade have been appointed from the club by the president, E. C. Bacon 1L., who will act as chief marshal. There will be a meeting of the marshals in Grays 10 this morning at 11 o'clock. The marshals are: O. T. Ames '15, C. E. Brickley '15, C. W. Cheney '15, T. Coggeshall '13, H. B. Gill '13, F. F. Greenman '14, E. S. Greider '15, H. R. Hitchcock '14, J. P. Hughes '14, J. W. Keveney '15, S. A. Peters '14, S. H. Philbin 3L., A. C. Place '14, O. Ryan 2L., D. Sargent '13, G. H. Shaw '15, J. C. Talbot '15, W. Tufts, Jr., '13, A. Velebir '14.

In Case of Rain.

If there is inclement weather tonight, both clubs have decided to postpone the parades until Monday evening at the same hours. Resulting changes of detail, if any, will be printed Monday.
