
What is Going on Today

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

3.30.--*Seniors vs. Juniors in interclass football at Soldiers Field.

4.00.--*Handicap pole-vault competition in Cage.

4.30.--Meeting of the Faculty of Divinity, in the Faculty Room, Divinity Library.

4.30.--**Lecture on "The Struggle for Christian Truth in Italy. I. The Protestant Revolution and its Echo in Italy," by Rev. Dr. Giovanni Luzzi, in Andover Chapel.

7.00.--*Membership in Harvard Opera Association closes.


7.00.--Dr. Fitch's Freshman Bible class, in Brooks House Parlor.

7.00.--Dr. Francis's Junior Bible class, in Brooks House Office.

7.00.--*Second trial for Freshman interclass debating team, in Assembly Room of Union.

7.00.--*Second trials for Sophomore debating team in Sever 11.

8.15.--**Recital by Mr. Selden Miller, in Colonial Club.
