

Sixty-Three Men, Thirty-Seven Schools Represented.--Middlesex Leads With Six Letter Men.

There are now 63 men in the University who have won their "H" in a major sport. Thirty-seven preparatory schools are represented in the list, Middlesex leading with six "H" men, Noble's second with 5, Cambridge Latin and Exeter tied for third with four each. Oahu College (Hawaii), is represented by three men, two of whom, L. Withington, Jr., 2L., and P. Withington 3M., won their letters in two sports, crew and football.

Following is a table of all schools represented by more than one "H" man in order of their representation:   Track.  Crew.  Baseball.  Football.  Total. Middlesex,  3  3    6 Noble's,  4      1  5 Oahu College,*    2    3  5 Cambridge Latin,  1  2  1    4 Exeter,  3    1    4 Groton,    3        3 Andover,  1  1      2 Milton,      1  1  2 St. Mark's,  1      1  2 St. Paul's,        2  2 Smith (St. Louis),    2      2 Stone's  1      1  2 Volkmann,    2      2 All others,  16  2  5  1  24 Total,  30  17  8  10  65 *Two men won an "H" in both crew and football.

Schools With One "H" Man.

Other preparatory schools were represented by one man in the various major sports as follows:

Track.--Browne and Nichols, Central High (St. Paul), Everett High, Hotchkiss, Lawrence High, Lynn Classical High, Medford High, Melrose High, Morristown, Newburyport High, Newton High, Quincy High, Rindge, Salem High, Springfield High, Worcester Academy.


Crew.--Eastside High (Denver), Eton College (England).

Baseball.--Arlington High, Brookline High, Dorchester High, Pomfret, Rockland High.

Football.--Roxbury Latin.

Complete List of "H" Men.

Following is the complete list of "H" men:

Track.--J. I. Abbott '14, Lynn Classical High; W. B. Adams '13, Springfield High; P. G. M. Austin '13, Morristown; W. A. Barron, Jr., '14, Middlesex; R. B. Batchelder '13. Hotchkiss; R. St.B. Boyd '14, Exeter: T. Cable '13, Exeter: O. M. Chadwick 2L., Exeter; F. W. Copeland '13, Middlesex; J. B. Cummings '13, Stone's; F. D. Everett 1G.S., St. Mark's; R. S. de Gozzaldi '13, Rindge; F. C. Gray 1L., Noble's; H. Guild 3L., Medford High; B. D. Hodges 2L., Salem High; L. D. Howard '14, Worcester Academy; R. G. Huling '13, Cambridge Latin; A. L. Jackson '14, Andover; B. N. Jones 1L., Newburyport High; T. W. Koch '14, Central High (St. Paul, Minn.); W. H. Lacey 1M., Quincy High; H. P. Lawless '13, Browne and Nichols; C. C. Little 3G.S., Noble's; A. W. Moffat '13, Middlesex; D. P. Ranney 1L., Noble's; W. F. Ryan 2G.S., Everett High; G. W. Ryley 3L., Lawrence High; H. M. Warren '13, Newton High; A. H. Whitman 2G.B., Melrose High; P. R. Withington 1M., Noble's.

Crew.--A. T. Abeles '13, Smith Academy (St. Louis); C. T. Abeles '13, Smith Academy (St. Louis); E. C. Bacon 1L., Groton; L. S. Chanler '14, Eton College, England; E. C. Cutler 4M., Volkmann, G. P. Denny 4M., Volkmann; A. M. Goodale '13, Cambridge Latin; L. K. Lunt 3M., Middlesex; G. von L. Meyer '13, Groton; L. H. Mills '14, Middlesex; E. D. Morgan '13, Groton; Q. Reynolds '14, Andover; G. F. Stratton '13, Cambridge Latin; F. H. Trumbull '14, Middlesex; J. E. Waid 2L., Eastside High (Denver); L. Withington, Jr., 2L., Oahu College, Hawaii; P. Withington 3M., Oahu College, Hawaii.

Football.--S. M. Felton, 3rd., '13, Milton; H. B. Gardner '13, St. Paul's; H. R. Hitchcock, Jr., '14, Oahu College, Hawaii; F. D. Huntington 1L., St. Paul's; D. C. Parmenter '13, Stone's; R. T. P. Storer '14, Noble's; P. L. Wendell '13, Roxbury Latin; W. M. E. Whitelock '13, St. Mark's; L. Withington 2L., Oahu College, Hawaii; P. Withington 3M., Oahu College, Hawaii.

Baseball.--J. P. Carr 2L., Milton; S. P. Clark '14, Pomfret; R. C. Clifford sG.B., Arlington High; J. H. Coon '13, Cambridge Latin; C. Hann, Jr., 2L., Brookline High; E. C. Hardy '13, Dorchester High; D. J. P. Wingate '14, Exeter; W. B. Young '13, Rockland High.
