

Men Going Down Should Sign Blue-Books at Leavitt & Peirce's or Union.

It was announced at the mass meeting last evening that, if arrangements were satisfactorily made, there would be a parade to the field in New Haven a week from tomorrow. In order to ascertain the number of men who will be there, blue-books have been placed at Leavitt & Peirce's and at the desk in the Union. Men who are going down to the game are requested to sign the books for their respective classes at as early a date as possible.

It was decided, as a result of the meeting to retain for further trial the two songs, "Crimson Triumph", music by R. L. Blaikle '14, words by P. Lord '14, and "John Harvard. Here's to You", music and words by A. H. Doyle '14. These will be tried again next week.
