Football practice for the Freshman squads yesterday, although long, was far from severe. Both squads A and B reported, the latter for practice preliminary to the interclass series. The regular ends, Lyman and Rollins, were given a rest for the day, their positions being played by Greene and L. Curtis. Whitney substituted for McKinlock who will, however, join in the scrimmaging this afternoon.
The teams were put through a longer signal drill than usual and then the substitutes lined up against the seconds, scoring on them several times. A ten-minute scrimmage, substitutes against regulars, followed in which the new formations were run off well, despite a number of fumbles. An end run by L. Curtis and a 20-yard gain through left tackle by Mahan scored two touchdowns.
Class Will Cheer Squad off Friday.
The squad will go to New Haven Friday to play the Yale freshmen, leaving Harvard square at 1.10 o'clock. Every member of the Freshman class is expected to be in the Square at that time to cheer the team off.
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