

Use of Forward Pass Responsible for Excellent Showing Against First String Men.

In the most strenuous scrimmage of the season between the first and second University football teams, yesterday afternoon, the second team registered its first score against the first, a successfully negotiated forward pass from Blake to Dana being responsible for it. The first team, however, immediately retaliated, Wendell going over the line for a touchdown. Following this, Brickley made a goal from the field, thus putting Team A in the lead 9 to 6. After forty minutes more hard scrimmaging, the first team gave way to Team B. Shortly after the change was made, the second team scored again, and when the game was over the score stood 18 to 15 in its favor.

The second team used the forward pass repeatedly, and for the most part, successfully, making all three of its touchdowns by this mode of attack.

H. Fish, Jr., '10, captain of the 1909 University football team, joined the coaching staff yesterday. He coached the tackles and ends, paying particular attention to the successful recovery of the forward pass.
