

Names of Men Nominated from Three Upper Classes.--Special Senior Election on Friday.

In accordance with a provision in the constitution of the Student Council, the nominating committee appointed last June, submits the following list of nominees from the three upper classes:

1913.--P. G. M. Austin, R. B. Batchelder, G. F. Cherry, W. M. Danner, J. A. Donovan, H. C. Everett, H. B. Gardner, A. M. Goodale, D. C. Parmenter, D. Sargent, S. M. Seymour, and W. Tufts, Jr.; nine to be elected.

1914. -- W. A. Barron, Jr., R. St.B. Boyd, W. C. Brown, Jr., W. T. Gardiner, H. R. Hitchcock, L. H. Mills, G. F. Plimpton, Q. Reynolds, L. Saltonstall, and R. T. P. Storer; seven to be elected.

1915.--C. E. Brickley, W. H. Claflin, Jr., J. S. Fleek, H. Francke, R. B. Frye, W. B. Pirnie, J. C. Talbot, and W. H. Trumbull, Jr.; five to be elected.

The list of nominations from the Junior and Sophomore classes will be placed on the same ballot that will be used for the election of class officers, and will be voted on at the same time, but owing to the fact that the Senior class election does not take place until later, a special election will be held on Friday of this week.


The Student Council is composed as follows: (1) The four class presidents, (2) the captains of the four major teams, (3) the chief executive officers of the Advocate, the CRIMSON, the Illustrated, the Lampoon, and the Monthly, (4) the vice-president of the Union, the president of Phillips Brooks House, the Chairman of Committee on Organizations, (5) three representatives from the Phi Beta Kappa, elected by its members, (6) twenty-four members from the College at large, elected by their respective classes as follows: 9 Seniors, 7 Juniors, 5 Sophomores, 3 Freshmen (not to be elected until time of election of class officers).
