

Will Begin With Reception This Evening.--Students are Invited.

Educational work at the Prospect Union, Central Square, will begin this evening, and will last until the first of April. Evening classes are held, at which various subjects, useful to the average working man, are conducted by Harvard students, representing all departments of the University, who give from one to three hours a week to this work.

Tonight there will be a general reception, at which entertainment will be furnished by Harvard men and by members of the Prospect Union. Professor J. L. Coolidge, president of the corporation, N. F. Van Horsen, president of the Prospect Union, and M. M. McDermott 3L., educational director of the organization, will speak, giving the history of the Prospect Union and pointing out its value and possibilities.

Music will be furnished by P. N. Cadwell 3L., and M. Gault 3L.

A few more teachers are needed, and any member of the University wishing to teach should send his name and address to M. M. McDermott 3L., 30 Divinity Hall.
