
Phillips Brooks House Notes

Bible Classes This Week.

Dr. Albert Parker Fitch's Bible Class for Freshmen will meet in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock. The class is open to any member of the Freshman class.

Dr. James F. Francis's Bible Class for Juniors will meet in the Office of Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock. Any member of the Junior Class may attend this class.

Professor Cole's Senior Bible Class will meet in the Office of Brooks House, and Dr. Evan's Sophomore Bible Class, in the Parlor of Brooks House, tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock.

Social Service Workers.


The Social Service Committee needs a large number of volunteers for Boys' Club work, particularly for Boy Scout Clubs, and also men for teaching English to immigrants. Information about this work may be obtained from the Social Service Secretary, who will be at his desk in Brooks House on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8-11 o'clock, and on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 8-10 o'clock.
