The CRIMSON prints below statements by the officers of the Lampoon, Illustrated Magazine and the Monthly as to the purpose which these publications mean to fulfill in the University. These are printed at the request of the Student Council, which ruled that "all undergraduate publications, the Dramatic Club, the Musical Clubs, the Pierian Sodality, and the Phi Beta Kappa shall publish in the CRIMSON within three weeks after the opening of College, a definite statement of their aims, the work required of their candidates, and the conditions of election to membership."
Concerning the Lampoon.
At the request of the Student Council, the Harvard Lampoon is hereby publishing its purpose and aims for the benefit of those Freshmen who have not yet opened their eyes and become acquainted with the institutions and traditions of the community in which they live, or who were too preoccupied with their own little affairs to answer the call of fame, when the Lampoon so generously opened its doors to instruct its new candidates in the ways of the famous Harvard Comic Paper.
Of course, it is possible that those members of the University who have not yet taken English A, may not know the meaning of the word Lampoon, and we advise such individuals to consult some standard dictionary. (A dictionary is a book that tells you things about words). Anyhow, it is still the object of the editors of the Harvard Lampoon to "try with trenchant pencil and sarcastic pen to hit off the foibles of our 'little world', and to open a field where the last jest at the club table, and the latest undergraduate freak may find a fitting place."
The competition for drawing and writing candidates is open to all undergraduates until the middle of their Junior year. In order to be eligible for election a writing candidate must have filled two pages of the "scrap-book" and drawing candidates must have filled three. A scrap-book page is equivalent in size to about two Lampoon pages. Each article, or drawing, is pasted in the scrap-book as it appears in the Lampoon. This system, however, should not lead one to suppose that quantity, rather than quality, is the criterion.
As the Harvard Lampoon is primarily an undergraduate publication, notwithstanding it is the father of Life, the aim of writing and drawing candidates should be to satirize and cartoon events of local and timely interest. This, however, is a very difficult task, since material for each number is due ten days before the date of issue. Writing and drawing candidates are required to report every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening between 7 and 7.30.
The competition for the business candidates commences early in their Freshman year, and closes at the middle of the Sophomore year. The work consists in collecting advertisements and subscriptions. The business candidates are required to report every Tuesday and Thursday evening between 7 and 7.30.
Harvard Illustrated Magazine.
The Illustrated is "a monthly journal of Harvard men and affairs." It aims to be the monthly journal of the University, in which the best and most interesting things affecting college-life can be found in discussions and illustrations. Each volume of the Illustrated there-fore aims to comprise a complete illustrated history of the life and thought of Harvard College during the year.
The board of editors is made up from two annual competitions,--one held in the fall and one in the spring. Each competition lasts until the candidate has proved himself a fit man for editor, or manager. Ordinarily candidates entering the competition in the fall shall stand for election at the April board meeting, those entering in the spring shall stand for election at the November meeting of the Board; but any candidate having done satisfactory work may be elected at any regular board meeting. Two cuts will be made in the fall competition,--one before the December recess and one immediately following the mid-year recess; two cuts will be made in the spring competition,--one before the spring recess and one at the close of the term. A literary and art candidates' meeting is held every Monday evening at 7 o'clock. These candidates are also required to sign up in the sanctum sometime on Wednesday and Friday of each week; business candidates meet in the sanctum Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 8 to 8.30 A. M.
Ordinarily at least five articles or twenty-five illustrations must have been accepted before a candidates becomes eligible for election to the position of editor. Illustrations and articles obtained from other men count in this competition as well as original work. The work required of business candidates is necessarily less definite. Most emphasis is laid on securing advertisements and subscriptions, but election to the position of assistant manager is based upon the general willingness and ability of the candidate to perform his assignments.
There is a nominal initiation fee assessed all newly-elected editors and managers.
The Illustrated board aims to publish a magazine that will be read by college men. It aims to serve the University by issuing a magazine that completely portrays the thought, the problems, and the life of Harvard University.
Candidates for positions on the board should report at the Sanctum, Little's 3, any Monday evening at 7 o'clock.
The Harvard Monthly.
While the Monthly's aims are primarily those of a literary magazine, the editors would have it understood that its pages are always open to the discussion of subjects possessing other than a literary interest. If an undergraduate is interested in art, or has travelled with open eyes, he may have something to say which the Monthly will be glad to print, provided, of course, that he says it well. Or if a man has done some thinking on the many phases and problems of university life, let him write down his ideas.
The requirement in accepted work necessary to eligibility for election to the board is not fixed. There is one condition which is usually demanded of all candidates, and that is the acceptance of at least one piece of prose. Short poems, do not carry an equal value with stories or articles. In general, five or six pieces of prose, or somewhat more of verse, will make a candidate ripe for consideration. A man who has been permitted to fufill these requirements is practically assured of election.
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