

Entries for Singles Will Close at 6 o'clock Tomorrow.--Men on Probation Are Not Allowed to Play.

Entries in the fall tennis tournament for the University championship must be made before 6 o'clock tomorrow in singles, and before 6 o'clock Wednesday in doubles. Play in the singles will start Monday, and in the doubles, if possible, on Thursday, thus permitting the same man to enter in both. Freshmen may register in the blue-book at the Rendezvous, upperclassmen and graduates at Leavitt & Peirce's. A fee of 50 cents in the singles and $1 for each team in the doubles will be charged. The Office wishes it distinctly understood that no person on probation may enter.

Prizes to Both Winners and Runners-up.

Prizes will be given this year to the winners and the runners-up in each division. In the selection of these prizes, a certain amount of choice will be allowed. There will be no consolations.

No charge will be made for the use of courts; but except in the final and semi-final rounds, contestants must furnish their own balls. Matches will be for the best two out of three sets; they will be defaulted if not played on schedule, except in case of rain. A contestant may claim default if his opponent fails to appear within half an hour of the appointed time.

Scores Will be Left at Field.


The score cards will be kept at the field, instead of at the CRIMSON Office, as before. Winners must record their scores before 6 o'clock on each day, or be disqualified. The result of the draw and the times and places of play will appear in Monday's CRIMSON.
