


Through the generosity of regular subscribers of the Boston Opera Company more seats are now open to members of the Harvard Opera Association. Over one hundred subscribers have agreed to give the association the occasional use of their seats, which are, for the most part, in the orchestra and first balcony. Members of the association have also open to them twenty-five or more second balcony seats for every performance, for seventy-five cents each, besides four orchestra seats every Wednesday night at two dollars each. This is a heavy reduction, the usual prices being two dollars for second balcony and five dollars for orchestra seats.

The Harvard Opera Association was formed last spring for the purpose of bringing the Boston Opera into closer relationship with Harvard men. It was chiefly through the efforts of Harvard graduates connected with the Boston Opera Company and through the generous gift of five hundred dollars by Mr. Eben Jordan that the agreement was effected, whereby Harvard students might take advantage of the educational opportunities so close at hand. The organization is open to all members of the University, undergraduates, graduates, and Faculty upon payment of fifty cents annually. The advantages of the arrangement are obvious, and students who are not yet members should join the association at once. Blue-books will be placed at Leavitt & Peirce's, the Rendezvous, and the Union before next Wednesday.

The Boston Opera Company requires that each man in the association shall have a membership ticket to show if called for. The association is now printing the tickets, which will be placed with the blue-books by next Wednesday. Every man who joined last spring may get one by presenting his name, and every new subscriber will be given one upon payment of his annual fee.

Opera tickets may be had two days before the performance, and no favoritism will be shown in their disposal. Arrangements have not yet been completed as to where the tickets will be placed.
