The University and the Cornell cross-country teams will meet at Ithaca, N. Y., next Saturday morning, in a race over a course approximately six miles long. This will be the first race ever held with Cornell, and arrangements for it were made immediately following the recent decision of the Athletic Committee to enter into a two-year track agreement with the New York university.
Cornell last year had an exceptionally good cross-country team, and won the intercollegiate run. The chances are more than even, therefore, that the winner in Saturday's race will win the intercollegiate cross-country title this year.
Twenty men from the University cross-country squad have been entered. Of these, ten will go to Ithaca next Thursday afternoon, accompanied by Manager W. Tufts, Jr., '13, Coach Shrubb, and rubber Smith. Time trials will be held over the Chestnut Hill course tomorrow or Wednesday afternoon to decide the make-up of the team.
The first seven men to finish will place'. No insignia, however, will be awarded in connection with the event.
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