At a long session of the Athletic Committee, held last evening, Dean Briggs was chosen chairman for the ensuing year. The Committee went thoroughly over conditions and affairs at the University and discussed at length appointments and schedules.
The chief action of the meeting was the decision that the University Track Management might enter into a two-year agreement with Cornell. If negotiations are concluded with the Cornell management, it is probable that the first meet will be held in Cambridge next spring and in Ithaca the year after. This will take the place of the Dartmouth meet. It will be the first track agreement ever entered into with Cornell and a departure long hoped and worked for by track enthusiasts of the University.
The appointment of D. P. Ranney 1L. as coach of the Freshman track team was approved and appointment made of F. W. Hubbel sG.B. as manager of the University baseball team, subject to the approval of the Student Council. The committee also voted that no man should receive more than one sweater in a single branch of sport.
Tennis insignia were awarded to the members of the Intercollegiate team as follows: E. H. Whitney '14, of Brookline; W. M. Washburn '15, of New York, N. Y.; J. C. Devereux '14, of Utica, N. Y.; Q. A. S. McKean '13, of Penllyn, Pa.
The following University shooting schedule was approved:
November 2.--Princeton.
November 9.--Intercollegiates, at New Haven.
November 23.--Yale.
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