

Torchlight Parade Starts at 7.--Other Political News.

A rally for supporters of the Republican Party will be held under the auspices of the Taft Club in Brattle Hall this evening at 8 o'clock. The speakers will be S. J. Elder and A. A. Berle '91, both prominent in Massachusetts politics. Members of the Taft Club will be seated, as far as possible, on the platform. In case of necessity an overflow meeting will be held on the field to the east of Brattle Hall.

Before the rally the Taft Club, headed by a large military band, will parade through the streets of Cambridge, starting from Harvard square at 7 o'clock.

Progressive "Flying Rallies."

The Progressive Club is holding a series of "flying rallies" this week. Automobiles are furnished, and men carrying torches and signs are driven through the principal streets of Cambridge and Boston, collecting crowds and delivering speeches in favor of Roosevelt and the Progressive Party. Any member of the University wishing to participate in these "flying rallies" should report immediately at Grays 10.

President Eliot Speaks for Wilson.


President Eliot will be the chief speaker at a political rally to be held in Tremont Temple, Boston, this noon, under the auspices of the College Men's League of Wilson Clubs of Massachusetts
