
Regarding College and Union Rooms

Use of Them by Clubs.

The rules concerning the use of rooms in College buildings and in the Union by undergraduate organizations have been much misunderstood.

Rooms in College buildings cannot be used for public political meetings under any circumstances, and no organization can hold a meeting to which the public is admitted in a room of a College building, without special permission from the Recorder. For meetings of undergraduate organizations to which only members of the University are admitted, rooms may be secured by applying to Mr. Cram, University 4, who keeps a catalogue of all engagements, in order to prevent conflicts.

Rooms in the Union, likewise, are not open to the public. They may be used by clubs for the first meeting of the year without restrictions, but if an organization wishes to continue to use the rooms it must send a list of its members to the governing board of the Union, and 80 per cent. of the members must belong to the Union. The privilege to use rooms in the Union is entirely under the control of the managing board. A catalogue of engagements is kept at the desk in the entrance hall.
