

Plans for Building Which is to be Best of its Kind Almost Completed.

Plans for the new high tension Electrical Laboratory, money for which was given anonymously last spring, are nearing completion. The plans for the exterior have been accepted, but small alterations are yet to be made in the arrangement of the rooms, in order to make the building as suitable for its purpose as possible. These changes will soon be decided, and Professors Duquesne and Warren of the department of architecture, who are the architects, will then make the final drawings.

The building will be a large stone and brick structure and will be placed between Pierce Hall and the Jefferson Physical Laboratory, filling in that corner of the line of buildings about Jarvis Field. The small wooden building now on this site will soon be removed, and it is hoped that work on excavation for the foundations will commence before winter.

Plans for securing the large amount of very fine equipment that will be installed in the laboratory are already under way, in order that there may be no delay in preparing the building for use after it has been constructed.

Special interest is attached to this new laboratory, as it will be of the greatest commercial and engineering importance, having the most advanced and powerful equipment in the world for delivering and testing high tension currents.
