

Dramatic Club and Deutscher Verein Plays Will be Given in December.

The dates of the performances to be given by the Dramatic Club and the Deutscher Verein this winter have been decided upon. The Dramatic Club will give three performances, two in Brattle Hall on December 10 and 13, and one in Jordan Hall, Boston, on December 14. The play competition which closed on October 15 has not yet been decided; the judges hope, however, to reach a decision by the end of this month.

The Deutscher Verein will give two short plays, "Peter Squenz" by Gryphius and "Ein fahrender Schueler im Paradis" by Hans Sachs. The first performance will be given in Brattle Hall on December 13 and the second in Jordan Hall, Boston, on December 16. The casts have not yet been made up.
