

$100,000 of a Necessary $150,000 Fund Has Already Been Contributed.

A Chair of Prints, the first to exist anywhere, will soon be founded in the University. An endowment fund of $150,000 is necessary, of which $100,000 has already been contributed by lovers of art in New York and Boston.

The post will probably be filled by Mr. Fitzroy Carrington, one of the foremost print connoisseurs in this country. He has been editor of the Print Collectors' Quarterly and for the past fifteen years a partner in the New York art firm of Frederick Keppel & Co. Mr. Carrington will not enter upon his duties until next year when he will give at least one course and will have charge of a collection of prints in the Fogg Art Museum. He will also be curator of the print department of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
