
Phillips Brooks House Notes

Senior and Sophomore Bible Classes

The Senior Bible Class conducted by Professor W. M. Cole '90, will meet in the Office of Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock.

The Sophomore Bible Class conducted by Dr. Daniel Evans, Andover Professor of Systematic Theology, will meet in the Parlor of Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock.

Books in Loan Library.

There are still about 1200 volumes in the Brooks House Text Book Loan Library which have not yet been taken out. Of these the greater number are reference books and French and German texts. There are, however, a consider able number of Professor Taussig's "Principles of Economics," which may be taken out on the recommendation of the dean, and also several good Physics books used in the elementary courses. Attention is further called to the library of Theology, Bible Study, and Social Service in Brooks House from which books may be taken for periods of two weeks.


Frolic at Cambridge Y. M. C. A.

The privileges of the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. will be extended to the University Christian Association and to members of Dr. Fitch's Freshman Bible Class on Thursday evening. The swimming pool, billiard tables and bowling allies will be at the disposal of guests. A prominent member of the Faculty will speak, after which refreshments will be served.
