The fall collection of old clothes, books, and magazines will be made this week under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House Association. It is urged that men have things in readiness for the collectors. Books are especially desired for the following courses: English A, French, German, Chemistry, Physics, Government, History, and introductory Philosophy.
Collectors have been assigned as follows: Apley Court 22, P. B. Watson, Jr., '15; Apthorp 10, M. B. Phillips '15; Beck 31, F. H. Trumbull '14; Brentford 36, J. Cooke '16, 24, H. H. Shaw '16; Claverly 14, G. H. Williams '15, 57, W. H. Trumbull '15; Conant 14, W. Eldred 3G.; Crafgie 408, C. P. Franchot 2L.; Dana Chambers 48, S. F. Greeley '15, 26, W. S. Sagar '14; Divinity 2, I. J. McCrary 2G., 30, M. M. McDermott 3L.; Dunster 31, E. D. Curtis '14, 50, C. F. Ilsley '15; Fairfax 21, R. B. Whidden '15, J. W. Keveney '15; 40, C. S. Fleming '15; Grays 16, R. S. Merriam '14, L. O. Wright '14; Hampden 44, E. R. Wilkenson '15, J. B. Camp Cherry '13, 24, F. E. Richter '13, 2, G. C. Loud '13; Holworthy 1, J. C. Faulkner '13, 16, A. B. Day '13; 18, F. C. Rogerson '13; Holyoke House 40, W. M. Tugman '14; Holyoke Place 7, A. Fisher '15; Linden street 5, C. W. Plummer '14; Little's 25, W. Lucas '15, W. B. Pirnie '15; Matthews 60, C. G. Freeze '15, 10, J. J. Cabot '13, 19, W. B. Adams '13; Mt. Auburn street 56, S. C. Almy '16, 44, E. R. Hastings, Jr., '14; Perkins 73, R. L. West '14, 47, W. N. Bixby 1G.; Plimpton street 22, G. M. McVicar '15, 28, O. I. Ames '15; Randolph 38, E. Blaine '14, 39, G. G. Geraghty '14, E. S. Robinson '14; Ridgely 76, R. P. Davis '16; Russell 20, R. Ayres '15, 22, K. Apollonio '13; Russell Annex, B. C. Curtis '15; Stoughten 28, J. D. Adams '13; Thayer 6, W. Tufts, Jr., '13, 22, H. R. Page '13, 35, E. C. Holbrooke '13, 46, F. S. Thorne '13; Walter Hastings 46, R. E. Shillady '15; Weld 1, T. W. Koch '14, 52, F. E. Abbe '14; Westmorely 44, S. O'Keefe '15, 47, H. F. Moncrief '15, 103, W. P. Fay '15.
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