The annual Freshman fall track meet will be held in the Stadium this afternoon, beginning at 4 o'clock. No man who fails to take his strength test before coming to the field may compete. In order that the events may be started promptly, officials and contestants are requested to be on the field promptly at 8.45 o'clock.
The events will be the usual ones save in three respects. There will be no one-mile run or hammer-throw, and the high hurdles will be for 70 instead of 120 yards. All events will be from scratch. Cups will be given to the winners of first and second places.
List of Officials.
The officials will be as follows:
Referee.--W. Tufts, Jr., '13.
Judges at finish.--J. I. Abbott '14, R. S. de Gozzaldi '13, A. L. Jackson '14.
Timers.--D. P. Ranney 1L., W. A. Barron, Jr., '14, R. Tower '15.
Starter.--J. B. Cummings '13.
Field Judges.--R. B. Batchelder '13, W. L. Allen, Jr., '14, T. Cable '14, R. M. Faulkner '09, P. G. M. Austin '13.
Measurers.--H. S. Sturgis '15, J. B. Camp '14, T. O. Freeman '14, H. W. Birch '14, A. D. Chandler '14, P. H. Smart '14.
Inspectors.--J. C. Talbot '15, E. F. Atkins '15, H. St. John '14, P. G. Courtney '15.
Clerk of Course.--C. G. Squibb '14.
Scorer.--F. Graves '15.
The list of events and entries is as follows:
70-yard hurdles.--J. O. Johnstone, R. H. Stiles, F. W. Wheeler, G. F. Whitcomb. W. M. McKim.
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