


In the final match for the University tennis championship in singles yesterday afternoon W. M. Washburn '15, of New York, N. Y., defeated J. J. Armstrong '14, of St. Paul, Minn., in straight sets, 6-4, 6-3, 6-2. Though Armstrong played a strong game, fighting continually, the issue of the match was never in doubt after the early part of the first set, when Armstrong did his best work, and for a few games held the lead. In the third set also, he managed to outdo his opponent for a short while; but during the rest of the match, Washburn was never pressed, his serve and his long backhand stroke working especially well. He seldom ran in, but when he did, it was for a sure kill. At all times he displayed rare coolness and judgment, and his placing was excellent. Armstrong, on the other hand, lacked control, his service especially being wild. Like Washburn he preferred the back court game, his net work being only mediocre.

In the semi-finals of the doubles, Armstrong and Washburn defeated G. B. Kayser '14 and O. Williams '14, 6-2, 6-2, 2-6, 6-4. The match was closely contested, Kayser and Williams displaying much better form than hitherto. Kayser's serve was particularly good; he won one game on four straight service aces. Armstrong and Washburn, however, kept the issue well in hand by good team-work.

E. H. Woods '14 and A. J. Lowrey '13 defeated H. G. Smith '13 and E. R. Hastings, Jr., '14 in the second round, 6-1, 5-7, 6-2.

The only match scheduled for today is in the third round of the doubles: E. H. Woods '14 and A. J. Lowrey '13 will meet H. A. Lawton '14 and J. S. Pfaffman '16 at 3 o'clock on Jarvis Field.

Class Championship Begins Next Week.


The tournament for the inter-class championship will begin next Wednesday. The following men have been appointed captains of the several teams: 1913, A. J. Lowrey; 1914, E. H. Woods; 1915, W. M. Washburn; 1916, R. N. Williams.

By next Tuesday evening, each captain must have tried out his material, and must have chosen a team of six men in singles and of two pairs in doubles. He must also send a list of his team members to the Recorder and file their names, together with their pairing in doubles, in the CRIMSON Office before 6 o'clock Tuesday.
