At first thought a Harvard musical magazine may seen an impractical idea, and were such a paper limited to Harvard musical happenings we would be justified in saying that it had no true field. Considered in a broader sense, as a Harvard publication for music, there are real possibilities for a paper of high standards. Numerous prominent musicians and critics are Harvard graduates and a small but growing body of undergraduates are seriously interested in musical work. It is to unite these in the spirit of our musical ideals and to furnish them with a paper of a standard which certainly does not exist in this country, that, this magazine has been founded. One of its most important uses will be to furnish a means for the publication of original compositions by undergraduates and recent graduates, thus stimulating this important side of creative work. Considered from a purely literary standpoint, it should furnish undergraduates with practice in criticism distinct from that obtainable on other papers. Whether it will satisfy the hopes of its editors remains to be seen, the fact that Harvard has been the first to enter this field in this or any other country is certainly a point for satisfaction.
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