

First Meeting of Year To Be Held Tomorrow.--List of Members.

There will be a meeting of the Student Council in the Trophy Room of the Union tomorrow evening at 7.15 o'clock for the purpose of organization and election of officers for the year.

The officers to be elected are a president, a vice-president, and a secretary, all of whom shall be members of the Senior class. An executive committee will also be chosen composed of five Seniors and two Juniors. Officers of the council shall be ex-officio members of the executive committee.

To insure attendance, the following list, comprising all men now in the council, is published. They are as follows: 1. The four class presidents. 2. The captains of the four major teams. 3. The chief executive officers of the Advocate, the CRIMSON, the Illustrated, the Lampoon, and the Monthly. 4. The vice-president of the Union, the president of the Phillips Brooks House, the chairman of the committee on organizations. 5. Three representatives from Phi Beta Kappa. Also the following men who were chosen in the recent elections:

Seniors.--P. G. M. Austin, R. B. Batchelder, J. A. Donovan, H. C. Everett, Jr., H. B. Gardner, A. M. Goodale, D. C. Parmenter, D. Sargent, W. Tufts, Jr.

Juniors.--R. T. P. Storer, W. T. Gardiner, G. F. Plimpton, R. St.B. Boyd, L. H. Mills, W. A. Barron, Jr., Q. Reynolds.


Sophomores.--C. E. Brickley, W. H. Trumbull, Jr., W. H. Claflin, Jr., H. Francke, R. B. Frye.
