
More Candidates Needed for Soccer.


(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

At the beginning of the fall soccer season, two weeks ago, there was only one field available for both the University and Freshman squads. With such limited field space, regular and systematic practice was impossible, and as a result many new candidates who thought they were not being given much opportunity, became more or less discouraged and dropped from the squad. Now, however, another field has been obtained for the second and Freshman squads, so that there is no longer any reason why every one should not get a full afternoon's practice.

It is imperative that more candidates report at once, as there are many vacant positions on the University to be filled, and there is very little time left in which to develop raw material before the hardest games of the season are played.

From now on there will be regular games with various club teams twice a week, in preparation for the Princeton game. There will also be games for the Freshmen, provided enough men report to make a good team possible. At present, the showing of the Freshmen is deplorable.


It is hoped that now that the proper field-space has been procured, more men will come out for the University and Freshman teams. E. L. BARRON, '13.
