The removal of books from Gore Hall to other places of storage is progressing steadily as fast as other places are made ready for them, but more than half the library still remains in Gore Hall, which is still open. Here the card catalogue is still accessible, and at the delivery desk books may be called for the same as ever, the only difference being that in the case of certain subjects books have to be sent for out of the building. The library messenger makes his rounds three times a day in an electric runabout so that in spite of difficulties a reasonably prompt service is maintained.
A book-stack to hold about four hundred thousand volumes is in course of erection in Randall Hall, where the headquarters of the Library will eventually be transferred (including catalogues, delivery desk, and administrative staff) as soon as all the books are moved.
Upper Massachusetts serves as the general reading-room, its capacity being only a little less than that of the old reading-room in Gore Hall. Lower Massachusetts is the reading-room for American History and contains in addition the United States Documents and the full set of Parliamentary Papers.
Excavation for the foundations of the new building will probably begin as soon as Gore Hall has been vacated.
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