

Lafayette and Virginia Easily Defeated.--Princeton Continues Open Play.

Effective line plunging combined with two 40-yard runs and a field goal by Markle gave Yale a 16 to 0 victory over Lafayette last Saturday. Lafayette's failure to score was due entirely to her weakness in the kicking department of the game. Three times by successful series of forward passes, closely resembling those executed by Williams in the Harvard game, she brought the ball within scoring distance of the Yale goal, but each attempt at a kick from placement went wild.

Loftus at quarterback played the greater part of the game for Yale, and although not as clever nor as spectacular a runner as Cornell, showed much greater general ability in handling his team than anyone yet seen in the position this season. Flynn was again the mainstay of the backfield.

Princeton 31, Virginia 0.

While Princeton ran up another large score in the game against Virginia, winning, 31 to 0, the size of the score can hardly be taken as a criterion for comparing her future strength with that of the other big teams. Although the individual brilliancy of her light speedy back-field managed to successfully over-whelm the southern team, the Princeton line was never subjected to a severe defensive strain, and consequently the problem as to whether the men in the line will be able to withstand the attack of one of the heavier teams or will be able to give the fast men back of the line an opportunity to get into action still remains unsolved.
