All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Tuesday, October 15.
9.00-5.00.--Election of Senior members of the Student Council in Thayer Common Room.
4.00.--Faculty of Arts and Sciences meeting at University 5.
6.45.--*Law School Christian Association. "Homicide, Assault and Battery, and Rape," as seen in the New Testament." Professor G. F. Moore.
7.00.--Professor Cole's Senior Bible Class in Brooks House Office.
7.00.--Dr. Evans's Sophomore Bible Class in Brooks House Parlor.
8.00.--Geological Conference. "Mineral Collecting in the Pegmatites of Maine and New Hampshire." Professor Palache. Mineralogical Lecture Room, University Museum.
8.00.--Topiarian Club. "Some Aspects of Landscape Architecture Abroad." Professor Pray. Common Room, Conant Hall.
Wednesday, October 16.
5.00.--*Princeton game applications due.
7.00.--St. Paul's Society. "The Meaning of Christian Unity." The Rev. D. S. Miller. Brooks House.
7.30.--*Rifle team practice in baseball cage.
Thursday, October 17.
8.00 A. M.--St. Paul's Society Corporate Communion in Christ Church.
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