
Sophomore Class Notice

Nominations Due October 11.

The attention of the Sophomore class is called to the following sections of the Class Constitution:

Article III, Section 4.--In the Sophomore and Junior years, the class officers shall have general charge of the elections, which shall be held not later than the twenty-first day after the opening of College.

Section 5.--In the Sophomore and Junior years, all nominations for class officers shall be made by petition, each petition to be signed by thirty-five members of the class. Such petitions shall be delivered to the Secretary-Treasurer of the class not later than the eighteenth day after the opening of College. The Secretary-Treasurer of the class shall publish the name of each nominee within twenty-four hours after receiving the petition nominating him. On the fifteenth day after the opening of College,, a complete list of the nominations shall be published, together with a statement that additional nominations will be received until the eighteenth day after the opening of College.

In accordance with these sections of the Constitution, the last day for receiving petitions for nominations of officers of the class of 1915 for 1912-13 will be Friday, October 11, 1912, and the election will be held on Monday, October 14, 1912. Petitions should be handed to W. H. Claflin, Jr., '15, Apthorp House 1, on or before Friday, October 11.
