

Men Wanted for Musical Clubs.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Notices have been posted announcing trials for the University Musical Clubs, and in the hope of encouraging more men to appear at the hours set, the coming season's work and the opportunities offered are here outlined.

Membership in the Musical Clubs offers the chance of meeting men and participating in a branch of collegiate activity which carries with it some degree of responsibility in representing the College. During the fall, besides the regular dual concerts with Dartmouth at home and Yale at New Haven there will be a few concerts in the vicinity of Boston to try out the material for the larger concerts. It is confidently hoped that the clubs will be able to take a southern trip during the Christmas recess. Arrangements concerning concerts have been taken up with the Harvard graduates of Springfield, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Washington, Richmond, and Brooklyn, and the clubs have every reason to look forward to as enthusiastic a support as was given on the western trip last year. Such a trip will give men an unusual opportunity of meeting leading Harvard men of the South.

At present vacancies must be filled on each of the three clubs. The Glee Club needs particularly first tenors and second basses; the Banjo Club is in need of several more men, and tenor mandolas, violins and a cello are badly needed by the Mandolin Club. The competitions are open to every enrolled member of the University, Freshmen and graduate students included. Class distinctions play practically no part in determining which men are taken on trips, preference being given only to "doubles," that is men who can play or sing for more than one club.


As the Freshman Musical Clubs are not organized until the second half-year, Freshmen are particularly urged to try for the University clubs if for no other reason than to become acquainted with trials similar to those which will determine the choices for the Freshman clubs.

The men who try out the candidates were tried out themselves most of them when they were Freshmen. They consequently remember the doubis and fears of the inexperienced candidates, and try in every way to give men a fair chance to show what they are worth.

Mandolin Club trials will be held in Holworthy 16 tonight at 7 o'clock. Tenor mandolas, violins, guitars and a 'cello are especially needed.

Banjo Club trials will be held in Holworthy 14 tonight at 7.

Glee Club trials will be held in Holden Chapel tonight and tomorrow evening from 7 to 9. Tenors, second basses and an assistant accompanist are much wanted.  ALEXANDER W. MOFFAT '13
