

New Jersey Team Had Little Difficulty in Winning Hockey Game Saturday Night.

The Princeton University hockey team had little difficulty Defeating Dartmouth 14 to 0 in the Arena Saturday evening. Only three goals were scored in the first half, but in the second Princeton swept her opponents off their feet scoring eleven times. Baker, as was expected, was the star, but he was not by any means the whole Princeton team. All seven men are strong players individually, and have been developed into a smooth running team.

The summary: PRINCETON.  DARTMOUTH. McKinney, l.e.  r.e., Wells Baker, l.c.  r.c., Johnson Kuhn, r.c.  l.c., Mason Kay, r.e.  l.e., Shulte, Frost Emmons, c.p.  c.p., Biglow Blair, p.  p., Bullard Kalbfieisch, g.  g., Taylor, Barrett

Score--Princeton 14, Dartmouth O. Goals--Baker 4, Kuhn 4, Kay 4, McKinney 2. Referee--S. T. Hicks '10. Assistant referee--J. Heron 2L. Umpires--Leslie and Eaton. Timers--Erwin and Davis. Time--20-minute halves.
