

First of Series to be Given on Friday Afternoon by Mr. A. C. McGowin.

Three special lectures have been arranged by the Graduate School of Business Administration for this winter. It is probable that more lectures will be added to this schedule in the course of the next few weeks. The first lecture, on Friday, will be open only to members of the Business School but the others will be open to all members of the University.

On Friday, Mr. A. C. McGowin of Wanamaker's, Philadelphia, Pa., will discuss "Shoe Store Methods," in Lawrence 4, at 1.30 o'clock. On January 19, Mr. W. G. Besler, vice-president of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, will speak on "Relations with Employees," and on March 8, Mr. J. H. McFarland, of Harrisburg, Pa., will lecture on "Printing as a Profession."
