

By Score of 2 to 1 in Arena Yesterday.--Great Improvement in Speed and Team-play.

The University hockey team, playing a faster and harder game than at any time before this season, defeated the B. A. A., 2 to 1, in a half-hour scrimmage in the Arena yesterday evening. Blackall and Willetts continued their excellent work on the defence, and a marked development both in speed and team-play was noticeable in the forward line. With Huntington playing a very effective rover game the men were able to keep the play in their opponents' end of the rink a large part of the time. Duncan scored both goals, pushing the puck through Foster after it had been passed in from the wings.

The line-ups of the teams were as follows: HARVARD.  B. A. A. Sortwell, l.e.  r.e., Hornblower Duncan, l.c.  r.c., G. P. Gardner, Jr., J. W. Foster Huntington, r.c.  l.c., Hicks Reeves, Morgan, Pierce, r.e.  l.e., Leslie Blackall, c.p.  c.p., Heron Willetts, p.  p., N. H. Foster H. B. Gardner, g.  g., H. Foster, Jr.

Practice Game at Brae Burn Tonight.

The first and second University teams will play a game at the Brae Burn Country Club rink this evening at 8 o'clock. No practice will be held today.
