


The University hockey team will play the fifth game of its schedule with St. Francis Xavier College in the Arena this evening at 8.15 o'clock. The game, which will take the place of the one scheduled with St. Michael's, will be the third between the two teams, St. Francis having defeated the University team two years ago, and the University having won last year.

There is little or nothing on which comparisons of the two can be based. In three games played so far this year, St. Francis has defeated King's University, the Shamrocks, and the Victorias, all strong provincial teams, by decisive scores. While the forward line, although composed of fast skaters and good individual players, has been rather deficient in team-work, the defence has proved exceptionally strong, and the University forwards will perhaps find it harder to pass than any they have met thus far this year. The University defence should, on the other hand, prove equally hard for the St. Francis forwards to pass. The University line-up will be the same as against Cornell, Sortwell being not yet able to play, and Palmer taking his place at left end.

Tickets are on sale at the Athletic Office and the Arena at $2, $1.50, $1 and 75 cents each.

The line-ups will be as follows: HARVARD.  ST. FRANCIS XAVIER. Palmer, l.e.  r.e., Sears Duncan, l.c.  r.c., McDonald Huntington, r.c.  l.c., Fraser Pierce, r.e.  l.e., Dwyer Blackall, c.p.  c.p., Reardon Willetts, p.  p., McIsaac Gardner, g.  g., Cribbs

B. A. A. Defeated in Practice, 5 to 4.


The University team held a hard half-hour scrimmage with the B. A. A. in the Arena last evening, winning by a score of 5 to 4. The chief feature of play was the fast and concerted attack of the University forwards. They were on the jump continually, formed their line quickly and well, and passed satisfactorily, except when near the B. A. A. goal. There, they tended to pass too hard. During the latter part of the scrimmage, substitutes were sent in. Although covering in about their goal well, they played on the whole a rather ragged game.

Goals were scored for the University by Pierce, Palmer, Huntington, Duncan, and Canterbury, who kicked one of Palmer's shots into his own goal. At least two of them, however, were the results of slight forward passes, and probably would not have counted under strict refereeing. The B. A. A. team's scores were made by Hicks, Heron, N. H. Foster, and Osgood.

The teams lined up as follows: HARVARD.  B. A. A. Palmer, Baldwin, l.e.  r.e., J. W. Foster Duncan, Adams, 1c.  r.e., Hicks Huntington, r.c.  l.c., Osgood Pierce, Reeves, r.e.  l.e., Leslie Blackall, Wingate, c.p.  c.p., Heron Willetts, Honston, p.  p., N. H. Foster Gardner, Smart, g.  g., Canterbury
