

Freshmen Won from Boston College Freshmen.--University Men Placed in Other Events.

Lack of experience in relay racing accounts largely for the defeat of both University teams at the third annual indoor games of the Massachusetts Coast Artillery on Saturday evening. The Boston Athletic Association won the shorter race by 20 yards, while the longer event went to a team, composed mainly of B. A. A. men, by 100 yards. The Freshmen won a close and exciting relay form the Boston College freshmen.

In the handicap events four places were won by Harvard men, two firsts and two thirds. The high jump went to A. W. Moffat '13 with an actual jump of 5 feet, 11 inches, and a handicap of 3 inches. H. G. MacLure '15 won the 440-yards run in 55 seconds, after running two well-judged races in his trial and final heats from the 20-yard mark. J. R. Abbot '14, with a handicap of 32 yards secured third place in the half-mile in the last 50 yards of the race. In the 75-yard dash H. St. J. Smith '15 survived a trial and a semi-final heat, and placed third in the final.

The Relay Races.

O'Hara, of the B. A. A. headed W. B. Adams '13 for two laps in the shorter relay race and then handed over to Prout a lead of 7 yards. K. Reynolds '14 lost 5 more to the athletic association's captain. F. J. O'Brien '14 reduced Gram's lead slightly in the third relay, but E. K. Merrihew '10, the last man for the B. A. A., was a trifle too fast for W. A. Barron, Jr., '14. The time was 2 minutes, 32 3-5 seconds.

In the longer relay race, where each man ran 5-laps Captain Withington held Kimball, of the B. A. A. easily for three laps and then went to the front. On the next corner, however, Withington fell heavily and before he could continue, Kimball had a comfortable lead. H. M. Warren '13 was thus handicapped by about 40 yards, and before the end of his relay had lost an equal amount. The third man for the University, W. H. Fernald '12, gained slightly on O. Hedlund for four laps but was unable to maintain this advantage on the last. Halpin, the B. A. A. half-miler, took up the race at this point for the Boston team and finished the distance 100 yards in the lead. The time of the winning team for the 3200 yards was 7 minutes, 34 4-5 seconds.


R. Tower '15 ran the first two lape for the Freshmen handing over a lead of a yard to P. M. Rice '15, who added two more, E. P. Stone '15, the third man, was only able to gain slightly on his opponent, and F. W. Capper '15 broke the tape 6 yards ahead of the fourth Boston College freshman. The time was 2 minutes, 40 3-5 seconds.
